Our services


Join us for an unforgettable journey, where we specialize in creating memories that last a lifetime. Whether you’re an individual, part of a group, or enjoying a family outing, we cater to all experiences! Our aim is to tailor each tour to suit your specific requirements.

Embark on an adventure where you’ll have the opportunity to touch the edge of the Arctic Ocean and witness the majestic beauty of James Bay up close.

Immerse yourself in the authentic lifestyle of an Indigenous trapper as you experience firsthand the workings of an active trapline.

Our services


“Continuing the Tradition” epitomizes our commitment to providing the finest wild fur in Canada.

Experience unparalleled quality as we deliver fur directly from our hands to yours.

Each piece boasts a soft tan finish, meticulously prepared for sewing or proudly displaying on your wall.

Our services


Creegonquin is an indigenous community-first security solutions and K9 service based in Moosonee, Ontario. We are a group that specializes in the application of by-laws and healing of communities. Driven by the recent losses of our loved ones and need to help our community, we have taken initiative to use the knowledge we gained over our careers to help others. 

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